
“If you have found this page you are on your path to great things! Elan is a gem of a human and has an innate ability to see the beauty in everyone she meets. Her desire to want to help people and make this world better is palpable. This is not work for her, it is her mission on this planet and she does it with passion and grace. She has a way of making everyone she meets feel special and loved. She is one of the most genuine and honest people I know. She understands first hand how to overcome life's hardships and the joy that can come when you do. When I talk to Elan I never feel judged, criticized or anything less than beautifully unique and loved.”

-Catherine Morrison, Yoga Studio owner

“This woman is without a doubt the most joyful human being I have ever met. She has an innate gift of helping others to find balance and joy within. She exudes kindness but maintains boundaries. She has a gift of holding peaceful space when a person needs to work through very challenging circumstances. She is attentive and understanding. She is always the first person that I go to when I need help navigating my life. I am grateful that I have met her.”

Jessica Michaan, Non-Profit Chief Executive Officer

“Elan has been such a joy of sunshine in my life. We met in the yoga studio and instantly drawn to each other. She offered her services so freely and loving. She supported me through a challenging relationship and reminded me to find happiness and strength. She was patient and kind when my path become dark and I turned to substances. She never judged me, she just continued to shine her light and love. She is a radiant being of joy and sunshine and with out her guidance, unconditional love and support I would have little Joy in my life. I am forever grateful for her.”

-Nicole Landrus, Yoga Teacher

“It is with great honor and gratitude that I am writing this testimonial. I can say with absolute certainty that meeting her changed my life, and her ability to counsel me through my most difficult moments of growth was critical to my current success. Elan lives the words she speaks and showed me an example of how one can be humble, resilient, patient, kind, diligent, and joyful through difficulty. There are not enough powerful or positive adjectives in the English language to convey to you the scope and quality of her counsel, but she has an innate skill with empathy and emotional intelligence that allows her to recognize what each individual needs in a given moment. She then delivers the knowledge she has acquired in a way that can be received by even the most resistant of individuals. It is my hope that clients consider my experience with Elan as a counselor.”

-Samantha, SGT - US Army

“I love the quote, " Once you realize that life is hard, life gets easier.". What a concept, and it sounded so apathetic when I was stuck in a state of victimhood. That's just it though- Life is all about our perspectives & manifestations. Now that I see through a clearer lens, no longer clouded by self-pity, I am able to see that the quote wasn't condemning or belittling to me but I myself was internally projecting that externally into so many situations, encounters, etc. I've learned so many tools to navigate through the trials of life, people, places, situations & personally attacking quotes that I've come to love. This was no easy task & I certainly could've never gotten to where I am alone. Trust me, I'd tried. I have a self help library, got certified as a yoga instructor, tried all the easy buttons but it wasn't working.

Elan helped me to get out of that place of victimhood by genuinely giving me what I needed- basic needs that, when lacking, only fed into my self-written sob story. Feeling validated, I was able to realize that my perceptions were only keeping me in a place of misery & manifesting into a life and personality of negativity. No counselor or therapist I've ever been to has ever made me feel seen, heard, understood, worthy & all without any sort of judgement. Elan always validates my feelings but never writes off on my bullshit. Misery loves company and I used to wallow in "poor me" with friends. Now I don't need my story & traumas to be known; I used to OVERSHARE everywhere trying to be heard, seen & understood.

Now I can typically identify old patterns before even confiding in her. Life does get heavy still & now when I confide in Elan, I can typically find the resolution simply by processing it with her. I've also learned how to walk w/others without needing to carry them from Elan. Boundaries that have lightened so many unnecessary burdens. I can't begin to articulate the lessons I've learned form Elan over the last four years or how cathartic my time with her has been. There was honestly a time when I thought I didn't want to live anymore but the truth is that I wanted to live but I just didn't know how. Today I am so grateful for the most beautiful life I never could've even imagined wanting. I'd have sold myself short if I'd gotten things in life that I thought I wanted. Peace of mind & serenity are the most precious gifts I've found in this life. To share them with my daughter is a miracle and a blessing! I feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with Elan as she has truly helped me change my life.”

-Teresa Garcia, Business Consultant